On April 18, hip hop artist Lenny Gazebo released his debut single, Newfoundland, a refreshing, feel good song that is perfect for positivity-filled sunny days. In this conversation, Lenny Gazebo speaks with AIR about his music background and what his purpose is as an artist.


How’d the name Lenny Gazebo come to be? 

[Having previously been] a lofi artist under the name “Mellow Bustelo”, I really wanted to have something that provided the same vibe. I have always been a chill and laid back dude, and my music represents that. Mellow Bustelo has a total of 5 syllables. 2 in the first name and 3 in the last, so I wanted to keep that same structure with Lenny Gazebo. Lenny is a nickname for my government name (Which will not be disclosed;) I also wanted to implement my chill vibe, so I asked myself “when you think of summer time bbq’s in the backyard what is it usually all done under?” A Gazebo! Thus, the name was born.

What are you looking to accomplish with this switch to Lenny Gazebo? 

I am looking to make music that I am proud of. I want to listen to my song and say “Wow I created that?” I am not looking for fame. I mean of course I wouldn't mind some extra cash. However, my overall goal is to make music people can vibe too, with a positive uplifting message.

What do you think your purpose in society is as a musical artist? 

To help inspire someone else who might be going through what I went through or am going through. My music is my journal and my escape and if I can touch someone else through it or make their day, then that is a great thing. I am a Christian man as well so that is something that is also displayed in my music as well.

Can you describe the Lenny Gazebo sound in three words? 

  • Vibey

  • Catchy

  • Original

You’re a real estate agent, model/actor, and a musical artist. How do you balance creating a career, working day to day jobs for cash, and making art? 

It isn’t easy, I'll tell you that! Honestly I just grind everyday, I am always working at my craft and trying to learn something new everyday. The goal everyday is to learn one new thing about each journey I am on or at least do one thing to help them progress. Never remaining stagnant is key!

Can you take me down the road of your musical journey? Where did it begin and how did it get to this point? 

I have always been into music since day one, starting off in the children's choir at church. My mother put me in music classes. I did band in school and performed in many shows and cabaret nights. I have always been in the music scene. It was not until I moved to Los Angeles that I discovered production and became a vocalist. Sometimes I wish I discovered it earlier, but I thank God for the journey and all of the people I have been introduced to along the way.

Who are your musical influences? It doesn’t even have to be other artists. It can be a grandmother who introduced you to certain music at a young age. 

I’d say two people off the top of my head are Kota the Friend and my producer Kev Decor. These are two great artists who when I listen to them, I’m like “I can do this”. Their music is so vibey and they have such a niche market for an audience, they showed me that there is a path for everyone in this business and it doesn't take much to get started.

What’s in your playlist lately that you’re listening to? 

My Top 3

  • Kota the Friend - Real One’s

  • Kev Decor - All Aholes ain’t bad

  • Hulvey - Closer

Did your experience as an athlete inform your approach to your work?

Most definitely, It gave me that drive to go above and beyond. Growing up as a wrestler, football and lacrosse player, all I know is to go hard! It gave me a work ethic like no other.

Your favorite drink is an old fashioned. What are 3-5 old school songs you’re listening to while you sit and sip? 

  • This is a great question aha. Let’s go with my 5 top tracks, while I'm vibing!

  1. Halfcrazy by Musiqsouldchild’

  2. Ex-Factor by Ms. Lauryn Hill

  3. Faded Pictures by Case, Joe

  4. Roni - Bobby Brown

  5. Can we talk - Tevin Campbell

In an ideal world, where do you see yourself 5 years from now? 

  • I see myself still continuing to make vibey music. If I continue to stay on track with releasing a song every month to every other month I should have 30-60 tracks released by that time. I see myself still independent, with a strong following of people who enjoy my music as much as I do. And overall just simply… Happy

What does success look like to you as an artist?

  • Success for me is creating music that you’re proud of. If you have a track that blows up numbers wise, but you are not proud of your work or it goes against your morals then why do it? For me it's walking out of that studio and playing my song 1000 times in the car because I just can't get enough, that to me is success.

What makes “good music” good? 

  • The message is what makes the music good in my opinion. Although everyone has different tastes in rhythms and melodies. Now don't get me wrong, time and expertise has to be put into the overall production of the track as well, but as long as the message is good and from the heart then I think it is on the right track.

Find Lenny on Instagram: @lennygazebo

Listen to Newfoundland on Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube